Watch Laura Jane Grace's "I'm Not A Cop" music video + new tour dates onsale now
Laura Jane Grace is back with the music video for “I'm Not A Cop" from her latest full-length, Hole In My Head. The track continues the record's themes of self-examination atop a 50/60's rock style melody a la Jonathan Richman and Eddie Cochran. Laura Jane replicates Richman's distinctive musical styling with jangly guitar rhythms and staccato response harmonies as the melody is juxtaposed against present-tense ruminative lyrics, creating a sort of melodic microcosm. A space in which the listener cannot stop themselves from examining the evolution of rock music as a constant counter-cultural form of expression - watch/listen below.
Additionally, Laura Jane Grace has announced new fall dates across North America with support from Catbite and Taylor Hollingsworth - get your tickets now!