Polyvinyl Single Series Vol. 2: CMJ Interviews Artist Jesse LeDoux + Telekinesis Releases "Can't See Stars"
Grammy-nominated and the former Art Director of SubPop Records, Jesse LeDoux is most illustrious for his work on The Shins' Chutes Too Narrow album art. Polyvinyl is now lucky enough to work with him on our 4-Track Single Series: Volume 2, and CMJ interviewed him to find out how it all went down. Here's an excerpt specifically about the series art:
"A few years ago, I had an idea to do an experimental singles series with some of my friends who are in bands. I quickly learned that reigning bands in to submit music in a timely manner is a lot like organizing a parade of kittens—nearly impossible. I don’t know how record labels do it, but I tip my hat to them. My failed attempt at organizing my series became my inspiration for the artwork of this series. On the outside of the box are a bunch of seemingly random shapes. It’s chaos, much like trying to organize bands. However, inside the box becomes order. Those elements on the outside come together to build the image on the jackets."
Also included in the post is the first released side from our Single Series Vol. 2, "Can't See Stars" from Telekinesis. Listen below!