Premiering today on Pitchfork, Greg Saunier (drummer of Deerhoof) and Brian Chippendale (drummer of Lightning Bolt) are the stars in a Death By Audio documentary entitled Checking in at 20. It's about the two musicians 20 year careers in each band, and was directed by Matt Conboy of Death By Audio films. It contains interviews from Flaming Lips' Wayne Coyne and Steven Drozd, Les Savy Fav's Tim Harrington, and Thee Oh Sees' John Dwyer to name a few. Watch below!
It's streaming in conjunction with a release of their s/t drum-duo LP "of the two old friends' first attempt at playing together as a drum duo. Recorded live at Death By Audio in June of 2013, these relentless, breakneck improvisations (entitled "Side A" and "Side B") show their interactions - one moment lost in cacophonous bliss, the next moment egging each other on to snowballing ludicrousness - in all their fascinating detail and deafening glory."