Holy cow, what a year 2016 has been! We turned 20, released 21 records, and had our best year yet! Can’t wait to see what 2017 brings, but until then, here’s the top music, movies, tv shows, and life happenings from us and our friends in 2016!
Top 10
1. The birth of our daughter Sloane.
Andy Shauf - The Party
Bon Iver - 22, A Million
Chance The Rapper - Coloring Book
Kanye West - Life of Pablo
Angel Olsen - My Woman
Kadhja Bonet - The Visitor
Drugdealer - The End of Comedy
Steve Gunn - Eyes on the Line
Whitney - No Woman
Music (Non PV releases):
- Chris Cohen - As If Apart
- Angel Olsen - My Woman
- Hoops - Hoops EP
- Drugdealer - The End of Comedy
- LVL UP - Return to Love
- Ultimate Painting - Dusk
- Frank Ocean - Blonde
- Father John Misty - Real Love Baby - Single
- Sheer Mag - III 7"
- Mock Orange - Put the Kid on the Sleepy Horse
- Dinosaur Jr. - Give a Glimpse of What Yer Not
Other stuff:
- Stranger Things
- Polyvinyl / Girl / Jesse Ledoux skateboard
- Pickathon Festival
Favorite Albums This Year:
Frank Ocean - Blonde
Vince Staples - Prima Donna
Mitski - Puberty 2
Kanye West - The Life of Pablo
Chance The Rapper - Coloring Book
Kendrick Lamar - Untitled Unmastered
M.I.A. - AIM
Deerhoof - The Magic
David Bazan - Blanco
A Tribe Called Quest - We Got It From Here...Thank You 4 Your Service
Top releases of '16, no order
- Mind Spiders - Prosthesis
- Young Thug - Slime Season 3
- Crying - Beyond the Fleeting Gates
- Wonk Unit - Mr Splashy
- Horror Section - Collection 1
- PC Music Vol. 2
- Tenement- S/T
- Denzel Curry - Imperial
- Thee Oh Sees - A Weird Exits
- Chixdiggit - 2012
- Ergs - Goddamn Death Dedication 7”
Top 5 releases of 2016.
1. Tyler Daniel Bean - On Days Soon To Pass
2. American Football - LP2
3. The Reptilian - End Paths
4. Boy Rex - The Bloodmonths
5. Alaska Thunderfuck - Poundcake
Other notable happenings:
1. Gary's comment on the American Football post
2. Doug Bonar's Twitter presence.
An Alphabetical List of What Entertained Me the Most in 2016
The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell
Colony (Season 1)
Culture Abuse - Peach
Cymbals Eat Guitars - Pretty Years
Dowsing - Okay
Miike Snow “Genghis Khan” (music video)
Neck Deep - Life’s Not Out To Get You
Orphan Black (Season 4)
Planet Money (NPR podcast)
ROAM - Backbone
Scarlet, my 6-month old daughter
Search Party (Season 1)
The Tsar of Love and Techno by Anthony Marra
The Weeknd - Starboy
Vince Staples - Summertime ’06
Favorite 2016 Releases (no order):
Frankie Cosmos - Next Thing
Angel Olsen - My Woman
Jay Som - Turn Into
Lucy Dacus - No Burden
Favorite 2015 Release that I missed:
Borns - Dopamine
Favorite Binge Watch:
Stranger Things
Favorite New Series:
Favorite Book Club Book:
Anthony Doerr - All The Light We Cannot See
Favorite Podcast:
The Nerdist (still)
"Aaron's Top Ten, Tru Banger Playlist of 2016 :
Japanese Breakfast - "Everybody Wants To Love You"
JJ Doll - "She's Onto You"
Wild at Heart - "Blind Mirror"
Blink 182 - "She's Out of Her Mind"
Lumpy and the Dumpers - "I'm Gunna Move to New York"
Angel Olsen - "Shut Up and Kiss Me"
Frankie Cosmos - "Sinister"
Dark Thoughts - "Fallin Out"
Sheer Mag - "Can't Stop Fighting"
Weezer - "California Kids"
Catch additional lists from Polyvinyl artists and friends on our Tumblr post!