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Meet the Team

  • Janelle Abad

    Art Director (she/her)

    Currently sweating in Austin, TX with my dog, Rizo. I lead the Art Department, where we help our artists' visuals come to life.

  • Tori Benes

    Retail Sales & Promo Manager (she/her)

  • Sara Chabot

    Fulfillment Dept Manager (she/her)

    Middle child. Cat mom. Book addict. Baker. Lover of all things carbs and cheese. Owner of too much yarn. Proudly stuffing airheads in LP mailers since 2011.

  • Derrin Coad

    Warehouse/Inventory Manager (he/him)

    Grew up in small town Central Illinois, moved to slightly larger town Central Illinois. Big fan of basketball, pro wrestling, podcasts, playing music with friends, nerdy TV shows/movies, and working at Polyvinyl!

  • Natalie Dávila

    Marketing Director (she/her)

    I love Neil Young, Aphex Twin, and my co-workers. Formerly: Paradigm Talent, Windish Agency, Empty Bottle, 35 Denton Music Festival

  • Andy De Santis

    Digital Promotions Director (he/him)

    Hey there! As Digital Promotions Director, most of my days are spent trying to get as many people to listen to our bands as possible. Other than digital music stuff, I also love coffee, bikes, photography, and skateboarding.

  • Alexis Funk

    Finance Director

  • Chris Hassen

    Operations Director (he/him)

  • Nico Hualde

    Customer Support Specialist & Office Manager (he/him)

    I've been actively participating in the music scene and collecting records since about 2006. I've worked in record stores and music venues in years past, and I feel lucky and thankful to now be at PV, still working with the things I love. I like to have a few Pacificos and some smokehouse almonds while listening to Thin Lizzy.

  • Seth Hubbard

    Label Director

    I grew up in Normal, IL. I moved to Champaign in 2003 to work for Polyvinyl in Matt & Darcie's basement and 16 years later I’m still working for them. Husband to Rachel and Dad to Sloane & Quinn (and Ralphie our dog).

  • Darcie Lunsford

    Finance Director

    Started Polyvinyl and founded our mailorder dept. I put the first Airhead into an order, and the rest is history :) The past few years I've been a full-time-mom to my three amazing boys: Simon, Miles and Walt.

  • Matt Lunsford

    Co-Founder (he/him)

    Grew up on a skateboard in the late 80s/early 90s. Been here since the very beginning...and have been described as "the glue that sticks it all together". I love being outside, nerdy tech stuff, and hanging out with my wife and co-founder Darcie and our three boys: Simon, Miles, and Walt.

  • Caroline Marchildon

    Digital Media Manager (she/her)

  • Drake Maxson

    Fulfilment Assistant (he/they)

    I'm your friendly neighborhood fulfillment-man! Catch me in a dirty Champaign-Urbana basement finding God in the airwaves. Ask me to draw something on your order!

  • Ryan Miller

    Design Assistant (he/him)

  • Jeff Olson

    Licensing Director (he/him)

    Having worked with numerous labels for creative synch licensing over the past 15 years, I’m thrilled to call an all-time favorite label my home. I live in Long Beach, CA with my wife, our two sons, and one Ruby dog. I love surfing, skateboarding, and camping all over California.

  • Andrew Rodriguez

    Fulfilment Assistant (he/him)

    I'm a composer and a producer. Once, I had a dream that the Pope asked me to teach him how to play Nothing Else Matters on guitar. Pope John Paul II, not Pope Francis.

  • Aaron Shults

    Production Manager (he/him)

    What's going on everyone it's your boy Aaron. When not at PV you can catch me playing music, playing video games, or collecting toys of the Star Wars character Bib Fortuna.

  • Samantha Tellez

    Product Photographer (she/her)

    I take pik ture.

  • Michael Thies

    Sales Director (he/him)

    I grew up in Champaign and lived in New York for a while before moving back. My first day at Polyvinyl was spent assembling Deerhoof vs. Evil promos and now I work on all things sales.

  • Melody Wachtel

    Finance Clerk (she/her)

    Invoice girl at PV since 2020. Avid music listener and creator, especially anything fast & loud. Find me in the pit at a local hardcore show.

  • Rob Wilcox

    Promotions Director (he/him)

    After several years of interning at WXPN, I eventually fell into the world of radio promo, which somehow led me to working at my all-time favorite label. I love hiking, running, cooking, PRC-067, playing music, and my cat, Nimoy.

  • Conner Yarbrough

    Marketing Coordinator (all pronouns)