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Polyvinyl - Polyvinyl Diner Mug


Polyvinyl Diner Mug

Polyvinyl Diner Mug

Another late night at the office. Deadlines to meet. E-mails to answer. Reports to read.

Luckily, you're not the only one staying after hours.

Joe's here, too. And he's just what you need.

You reach for your Polyvinyl diner-style mug -- its smooth, natural finish and sleek design an oasis of calm and tranquility on an otherwise chaotic desk -- and head for the break room.

A minute later you're back in your chair, the strong aroma of El Diablo Dark Roast entering your nostrils while its caramelized sweetness fills your mouth with a gentle molasses aftertaste.

You linger a second after your first sip, enjoying the feel of the mug's perfect heft -- not too heavy, not too light -- before placing it back down next to your keyboard.

The clock is still ticking towards 10, but you're alert, re-energized, ready to tackle the next challenge.

With the Polyvinyl diner mug by your side, anything is possible. The night is still young.