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Paris, Texas - So, You Think It's Hot Here?


So, You Think It's Hot Here?

Release Date: October 19, 1999

So, You Think It's Hot Here?

Release Date: October 19, 1999

Paris, Texas is about roots. It's all about five fellas throwing their musical experiences and tastes at the wall to see what sticks. So, You Think It's Hot Here? is part pop, part punk, part Ian Svenonius, part Pele and all Paris, Texas.

The band throws all musical inhibitions and genre-driven nametags out the window, melding jazz-like rhythm and jangly-rock guitars with quirky lyricism.


  • Cadillac of High Hair
  • Four Feet
  • Das Wolf
  • Silver
  • Heart Full of Napalm
  • Cemetary City
  • The Driver
  • Lt. Peterson
  • Goodbye
  • Rotten Apples


  • They write catchy, sing along type songs, yetthey mess around with the structure and throw loopholes into what seems like anotherwise perfectly normal pop tune.

  • Raucous, upbeat songs highly spirited in twenty-somethingoptimism…with ringing Buzzcocks guitars, the drums and bass tangle. ScottSherpe’s inimitable vocal style conjures images of a youthful Dylan or Iggy wearing tight black leather pants singing for a real honest to goodness garageband.

    - Keith York
  • Paris, Texas can exemplify the next generation of emo bands with their clean indie-rock popbeats and their fun lyrics. This record oozes fun and every listen has youdancing around your room.

    - Muddle
  • These boys come with high praise, and rightlyso. This is a darn fine collection of emo-tinged power pop. Yeah, I could takethe easy road and list a bunch of bands they may or may not sound like, butinstead I’m just gonna say that there are several very wonderful,goosebump-inducing, jump-kick-off-your-bed-type songs, and you would doyourself a-ok to get in on this.

    - Angelo Madrigale
  • You’ve got jazzy, playful bass with janglyguitars on top and a singer who sounds like he could’ve fronted Nation ofUlysses…mods and emo geeks, unite!

    - Lollipop
  • An album of driving pop—full of infectious hooksand choruses that beg the listener to sing along. Paris, Texas demonstrates asound that combines edgy, flamboyant vocals and guitar with a more gentle andsincere bass and drums. So, You Think It’s Hot Here? proves that no matterhow barren the physical landscape, bands like Paris, Texas can still make popmusic with a driving attitude and backbone.

    - Lisa Gunter