From Jeff Rosenstock:
"This record is essentially the product of moving out of your house and into a creatively dismal area. While Forest Hills, Queens is a very safe area and I managed to snag a really nice apartment for a super low price it gets depressing to be surrounded by senior citizens, hasidic (sic?) jews and russians... I went my first month living here without seeing someone in their twenties, I went at least four months without seeing a single black person. All my friends seemed far away, I got very few visitors and I was too broke to even take the train to go out and visit people. That was the environment in which the album was written.
Now as far as how in was recorded, this was done in an apartment building which meant recording needed to take place during the day, before dinner time, before the kids were home. Unfortunately, the record was pushed back a lot because my computer kept breaking. Once I got everything back on track, I ended up having a new temp job which was sweet because I had some money but TOTALLY lame because I could now only record between 5:30 and 6:30 every day. It finally got finished, and I'm proud to say that only two or three of the vocal tracks were recorded outside the apartment (those were done in Chris Valentino's pracitce space, thanks Chris.) So as usual, all songs were recorded on a laptop by Jeff Rosenstock with pretty much one microphone. Steve Foote (Big D and the Kids Table), James Brown (Beret!), Rick Johnson and Brendan Jensen (Mustard Plug) were kind enough to lend a hand on some of the tracks. Thanks to those guys. And big thanks to Christine Mackie, my wonderful girlfriend who let me record parts of these songs on her computer while mine was broke! Long live the internet!"