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Aloha - That's Your Fire


That's Your Fire

Release Date: May 16, 2000

That's Your Fire

Release Date: May 16, 2000
All formats include instant MP3 download.

Aloha's debut full-length breathes life into the post-rock amble with an album of tremendous breadth of mood and spirit. From prog-rock mantras to free-jazz breakdowns, Aloha asserts itself as a band that can bring the avant-garde in step with rock's most peculiar nuances.

By this time, Aloha had perfected its unique balance between traditional songwriting and improvisation through touring. Building on the unique sonic sound sculptures of debut EP The Great Communicators, The Interpreters, The Nonbelievers, Aloha makes the pretty prettier and the fast faster with musical feats ever more daring as the melodies are assertive and contagious.


  • Last Night I Dreamt You Slept Beside Me
  • Ferocious Love
  • Don't Sleep
  • Liberty
  • There, There
  • A Hundred Stories
  • Heading East
  • Saint Lorraine
  • With the Lights Out, We Sing
  • Sky High


  • That'sYour Fire is majestic. I feel like jazz has been re-born for me.

    - Mod
  • Essential listening for fans ofintelligent rock music.

    - Jitter
  • To sayanything less than 'amazing' would be an understatement. That's Your Fire is beyond words. This is going to be a classic,without a doubt.

    - Lollipop
  • One of the more inspired post-rock albums of the past few years.

    - Pitchfork
  • Take post-rock ala Tortoise and Trans Am,inject it with the unique Midwest melody styling of Braid and The Promise Ring,add Rush and King Crimson's prog tendencies, Coltrane's jazzy quirks, and a member whose full-time job is tocreate the most beautiful sounds out of vibraphones, triangles andcongas....Amazing.

    - Lollipop
  • Alohadisplay their dazzlingly accessible post-rock grafting of jazz, prog-rock,spacey electronics and pop...immaculately evocative.

    - All Music Guide
  • Intricate songwriting, progressive music anda distinct sound--in short beautiful.

    - Rock Paper Scissors
  • It takes guts to try to sell a crowd on theidea of a vibraphone as a rock instrument, and it takes real skill to actuallypull it off. Aloha has both.

    - Cleveland Free Times
  • Anethereal, freeform, jazz-tipped element to traditional indie rock, cooking up arather unique and challenging sonic slurry for fans to digest.

    - Pitchfork
  • Jazz-punk-pop-fusion cocktail is superambitious...sonically fascinating...

    - UR Chicago