Here Comes Everyone launches the retooled Aloha machine with a fury of stick-to-the-ribcage blasts and shimmering ballads. Aloha adds the orchestral pop of the late '60s and the post-prog rock of the '80s to its big-thinking, rhythm-rich repertoire. Engaging yet contemplative, Aloha crosses the experimental/populist divide.
Here Comes Everyone brings the listener on a fevered tour of post-modernity, from the edge cities to the urban enclaves, from buried history to the impending future. What can't be painted with words is told by yearning mellotrons, spikey guitars, and graceful chord changes.
With the help of Don Zientara and Chad Clark at Inner Ear/Silver Sonya Studios (where new Aloha member T.J. Lipple works as an engineer), the band sounds warmer than ever, with all the spirit of a basement-show sensation and the gloss and confidence of an arena rocker.