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The Dodos - The Surface


The Surface

Release Date: March 29, 2019

The Surface

Release Date: March 29, 2019

After The Dodos wrapped up their US tour in support of their 2018 full-length, Certainty Waves, guitarist/vocalist Meric Long found himself back at home and more inspired than ever to make new music. “The Surface” was born after Long acquired a new acoustic guitar (a Recording King parlor guitar), which led to new burst of creativity and songwriting sessions.

Reveals Long:

"Back in the fall after finishing our first tour in what seemed like ages, a bunch of ideas that were floating around seemed to converge, and this song "The Surface" is the first result of that. For those guitar nerds out there, I recently acquired a Recording King parlor guitar, it doesn't look like much on paper but it is magical and I am squeezing it like a life raft through the next batch of songs. Perhaps it is age, or just compounded cynicism, but there is an overwhelming gratitude that I feel when any small bit of inspiration sheds its light, and the path ahead seems relatively clear."


  • The Surface