Julia Klausner, star and creator of Hulu fav Difficult People, spoke with Billboard about her '10 Favorite Music Moments' on the show. And wouldn't you know White Reaper plays a leading role:

“She Wants To” is the opening theme song to Difficult People and “Half Bad” closes out each episode, with lyrics that start out “Wanna be easy….”, which we’ve always liked for a show with the word “difficult” in its title. "She Wants To” kicks off each episode because it's a very exciting, crashing Rock-with-a-capital-R song with a primal scream, and we use it at the end of the cold open into the title card, like Wet Hot American Summer brilliantly does with “Jane” by Jefferson Starship, to set the tone.

Listen to "Half Bad" below:

"She Wants To" & "Half Bad" are taken from White Reaper's self-titled EP.