Jeff Rosenstock surprised fans with the release of his incredible fourth album, NO DREAM, which arrived without warning in May and has already received countless mid-year list accolades from the likes of Stereogum, The Ringer, AV Club, Uproxx, Consequence of Sound, and more. 

Watch the punk Bob Ross-inspired full album stream and get your copy from the Polyvinyl Store (extremely crunk merch also avail). NO DREAM arrives in stores August 21 and is shipping from HQ now! 

Today JeffRo shares THE music video for "Scram!" directed by the legendary Teenage Stepdad. Read more about his inspiration behind the song below:

"I started writing ‘Scram!’ after being inspired by the kids from Parkland High standing up to the behemoth that is the gun lobby. The last four years (and let's be honest, my entire life) have felt like we are up against an unconquerable force of evil that thrives on violence and inequality. It was a rare bright spot to see thousands of people say ‘hey, we're gonna be able to vote in the next election, and we are going to vote you the fuck out.’ It was also inspired by the other side - the politicians and lobbyists who promote regressive policies that perpetuate the consolidation of power to the super rich at the expense of everyone else’s lives - having the audacity to demand “civility” from students who have watched their classmates get murdered and are tired of going to school in fear.

“Fuck that. Capitalism is the root of greed is the root of violence. You have bought your control, but more and more people are starting to see through that. I wanted to write a song that felt like a ‘Fuck you, your days are numbered’ to the powers that be."

And read more below from Teenage Stepdad on the video:

"When I first listened to the tune, I strongly identified with the lyrics, the idea being that the very worst people are the ones telling you the loudest what to do and how to think. A lot of what I do as an artist is take all the commercial and advertising imagery and marketing techniques I’ve been forced to consume since I was a kid, and repackage them into something that subverts the bullshit worldview they represent. So part of this video is that, flipping through the channels and seeing old promo formats used to sell soda and cars and vacations turned into something else. The rest of the video is inspired by this moment, by the millions of people no longer asking for change but demanding it."

Jeph staying busy ~ he'll be performing live on Pitchfork's Instagram later today at 5 pm ET, participating in FADER Fort this weekend on July 25th, and will be interviewed live on Twitch via The Needle Drop next week on July 29th.