Time for another installment of Tim Kinsella's "Who I Hang With." This time Tim talks about his little bro, Mike Kinsella, AKA Owen. Enjoy!
"Well I wonder what I would have to say about Owen if he weren’t my little brother? Mike has a natural musical ability on any instrument that exceeds my own exponentially. Beyond being virtuosic, he has a keen understanding of compositional theory and all of us who’ve played with him have learned a lot from doing so. We even all occasionally look to him to get us out of some messes we write ourselves into. Honestly Owen songs always make me feel a little awkward because they’re all so personal. I know that’s what other people are responding to, the confessional nature. But I have to listen to the songs in formal terms, how things are constructed, like ‘oh, waiting a beat to drop that snare, effective choice, smart.’ Otherwise, I mean you wouldn’t want to know those things about him if he were your brother right?"