You've made it to Wednesday, so now you're halfway there going nowhere! Celebrate Hump Day in all its midweek glory with Anna Burch's fantastic new single "Asking 4 a Friend." Tune in & turn it up below.
Stereogum reports:
"Burch’s latest confirms that her strength lies in her clarity. Her lyrics as well as her delivery is so sharp and straightforward, there’s no way you won’t hear her when she tells you, “You’re faking, you’re faking the fall.” However, her words are still ambiguous enough to assuage her mother’s concerns, as she explains via press release:
I was playing “Asking 4 a Friend” for my mom and after the first verse she very concernedly asked “Is this about drugs?” I told her it was a metaphor for going back to a bad, undefined relationship and she seemed satisfied with that. Also, the song contains a lyrical nod to The Lemonheads’ “My Drug Buddy.”"
ICYMI: Watch Anna's official music video for "2 Cool 2 Care"