Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin are purveyors of the sweetest indie rock you'll find this side of Springfield, Missouri. Now they're throwing a new music video your way for their track "Madeline" off of The High Country. It premiered today over at Brooklyn Vegan HERE in anticipation of their New York show on August 1st.

Find a full listing of their upcoming tour dates after the video, and be sure to hit up our Tour Page for tickets.

Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin -- 2015 Tour Dates

07-31 Boston, MA Great Scott

08-01 New York City The Studio at Webster Hall

08-07 Los Angeles, CA The Satellite

08-08 San Francisco, CA Bottom of the Hill

08-14 Dallas, TX Three Links

08-15 Austin, TX Holy Mountain

08-21 Joplin, MO JB'S Downtown