Paste Lists 5 Emo Albums Worth Reissuing in Honor of American Football Reissue
We've been amazed at the heartfelt reaction and critical acclaim the American Football reissue has been receiving, but we're not that surprised people are in love. We put in serious work with a 24 page booklet that includes liner notes and never-before-seen photos, and then there are the previously unreleased demos and live recordings.
Instantly nostalgic upon creation, Paste thinks "its songs rope you in instantly and tie you up with an unabashed candor, perfectly capturing emo’s most enduring virtue... In honor of the American Football Deluxe Edition, we’ve assembled a list of five emo and proto-emo albums that have yet to receive re-releases, but are certainly worthy of the reissue treatment."
Wanna know which five albums Paste chose? Check out the full feature HERE.