It is with full and happy hearts that we announce our new monthly mailorder donation initiative (say that five times fast), PV Pledges. One Friday per month we will be donating 10% of all mailorder revenue to a worthy cause or organization - a symbol of our ongoing commitment to support the folks doing valuable work in our music community. This idea came to fruition because - let’s be honest - we’re extremely fortunate to work in music alongside so many talented individuals. Getting to do this for a living is a privilege and it's our absolute pleasure to have the ability to give back in this way.
Our first pledge begins today! 10% of mailorder sales will go to Girls Rock! Champaign-Urbana, an organization that seeks to create a culture of positive self-esteem for girls in our community. Teaching girls how to start a band, write a song, record a track, and play a gig are simply the means by which we hope to achieve this goal, as an investment in our future.
So, hurry over to our E-Store and keep the girls of C-U steady rocking! Stay tuned for next month's installment of PV Pledges and don't you ever forget those sacred words:
Be EXCELLENT to each other and PARTY ON, dudes!