Though the reckless, raucous sound of Chicago duo Grapetooth might suggest otherwise, the band was born out of a mutual love for ‘80s Japanese new wave, the weirdo sentimental pop of Arthur Russell, and a good bottle of cheap wine.
Clay Frankel and Chris Bailoni met in 2012 through mutual friends, but it wasn’t until 2015 when they started making music together that a real friendship formed. Bailoni, a producer releasing music under the moniker Home-Sick, eventually crossed paths with Frankel, the singer & guitarist for rowdy Chicago indie stalwarts Twin Peaks. After a night of drinking red wine, Twin Peaks’ tour manager Peyton Copes bestowed upon Frankel the nickname “Grapetooth” – and the rest, as they say, is history.
Over the last couple years the duo has only released two singles – the disco-blissed “Violent” and the synth-jamming earworm, “Trouble.” In an ideal world, Grapetooth would come complete with headsets instead of mics. The band’s "dance til you drop" performances around Chicago are the stuff of legend, leaving venues with wine-stained floors and/or holes in the ceiling. For those living outside of the second city who’ve been waiting patiently to hear more from the group, Grapetooth is now hard at work putting the finishing touches on their highly anticipated, sure to be rambunctious Polyvinyl debut, expected late this fall.
Hello y'all - We, Grapetooth, are very stirred and excited to be a part of the honorable Polyvinyl family. Time will come and we'll say "here - on this day - is where it all began." We'll look back and say we did the best we could while we were stuck on this world, and we are glad to have these nice folks along for the ride. Happy trails. Bon voyage.
Find Grapetooth at the hyper disco this Saturday at Lincoln Hall in Chicago. Tickets very nearly sold out.