Deerhoof has announced the latest installment in their collaborative 7" series, in which another artist takes a stab at vocals over a previously-released Deerhoof song. This time? None other than Wilco frontman Jeff Tweedy, who sings on "Behold a Marvel in the Darkness" for the A-Side collaboration titled "Behold a Raccoon in the Darkness." The B-Side features the first recorded release from Jeff Tweedy's new side project, The Raccoonists, which consists of Tweedy and his two sons Spencer and Sam. The B Side track is titled "Own It" and you can stream both tracks over at Pitchfork by clicking the link below. The 7" will be released on limited-edition translucent pink vinyl (limited to 2000 copies) on October 11th. Click here to head over to the Polyvinyl store and pre-order a copy!